Style Discontinuation and Custom Order Updates

1690s stays will be discontinued at the end of the month

1690s has consistently been our lowest performing style during the five years we have offered it in our Classic Corset range. It is also the most labor intensive and therefore most expensive to produce. We've made the decision to offer a final last chance and then retire this style. 

You can purchase 1690s stays in our full range of sizes in the synthetic whalebone or steel boned options through May 31st. If your size is out of stock, place a backorder and we will make it for you in 3-6 weeks. 

Due to the costs associated with developing retail-ready patterns and the projected time (years) it would take to recoup those costs, we do not currently plan to offer this style in our pattern line.

Custom Order Deposit Slots Open May 10

We will open a limited number of custom order deposit slots at the end of next week. You can read this blog post from an earlier opening to get a sense of how this process works. We'll send out a reminder email with more details early next week. Patreon and then email subscribers get first notice when the slots go live. 

We hope everyone is having an enjoyable Spring (or Autumn!). 

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