Happy 2021! Updates

Hello all, well, that was a year. We made it. Hooray. Here's a boring but informative update post!


We've been getting questions about how we're going to address vending at Costume College this year. The short answer is--we're not. Redthreaded will not be attending Costume College in 2021 if by some stroke of luck the event does go forward this July. 

There is simply no pandemic-safe way to do a fitting event where we are putting the same corsets on multiple people's bodies back-to-back and spending hours in close touch proximity with dozens of people. This is not safe for us, and it is certainly not safe for our clients.

Due to this, we will not be attending or hosting any in-person fitting events through the remainder of 2021, unless the global situation dramatically improves. 


We have temporarily suspended UK shipping for tangible goods due to the new rules surrounding VAT collection. We will work out a solution as we have time, which we unfortunately just do not have right now. We are also aware that the EU is planning to institute similar rules in July--this is on our radar as well. 


We unfortunately don't have a re-stock date on corset kits as we are once again in a situation where we have supplier delays and need to hold on to remaining supplies for our own corsetmaking. We're hoping these issues sort out soon!


We have to delay custom orders just a bit longer for a few reasons. 1. the supply delays 2. we're pretty much fully booked with a theatrical project until mid-February 3. I just haven't had the brain power to put towards custom work on top of everything else. We'll let folks know as soon as we reopen and thank you so much for your patience. 


Now that I've thoroughly managed expectations and everyone's feeling a bit glum...I do want to say that we have some really cool stuff planned for 2021! Our first non-corset pattern and product in a number of years will be released in a few months, and we have some inspiring collaborations planned as well. We're looking forward to warmer weather and longer days which means more possibilities for outdoor shoots and more creative stuff. 

Thanks for sticking with us through 2020. Wishing you all brighter days and a light at the end of the tunnel!


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