Redthreaded Blog

  • Feature Friday: Armour And Castings

    Often the details that make a historical outfit truly feel like it has stepped out of a portrait are the accessories. Things like period appropriate jewelry can add that final touch pulls the whole look together, that makes it feel both realistic and lived-in, and this month’s feature is dedicated to making beautiful and affordable historically accurate accessories that will compliment either your historical or modern wardrobe!

  • Feature Friday: Empire Shawls

    Winter weather is here, and with chilly temps and snowy days, warm accessories are even more important. But what if they were historically accurate and fashionable too? This month’s featured business, Empire Shawls, combines the best of both to keep you toasty in your historical kit and your daily life!

  • Feature Friday: Crow's Eye Productions

    With high production values and exquisitely researched costumes, this month’s feature makes some of the most beautiful and educational videos on Youtube! Their videos cover a wide range of eras—from Roman to Regency and more— and are always gorgeously shot and styled. Not only are they filmed in perfect historical locations to match the era, with furniture and accessories to add ambience, but the actors are also always perfectly turned out in period appropriate hair and makeup. The attention to detail is truly impressive!
  • Feature Friday: Holiday Edition

    Make yourself a festive beverage and pull up a cozy chair, it’s time for our annual holiday edition of Feature Friday!

  • Feature Friday: Morgana Fae Couture

    It’s more important than ever to extend the use of our garments and textiles, and this month’s featured business is dedicated to giving antique and vintage pieces a second life! Morgana Fae Couture is a treasure trove of upcycled and one-of-a-kind historically inspired clothing, perfect for everyday wear or history-bounding outfits!
  • Feature Friday: Atelier Slyphe

    While a historical time period had a general fashionable silhouette,  corsets of that period came in a wide variety of interesting styles and shapes—both as a way to fit a wide variety of bodies but also to cater to new trends and fads. And if you are looking for something a little unusual like this for your next corset make, this month’s featured business is the place to find it! (In fact, Redthreaded even uses one of these patterns for our Greta Corset in our Atelier line!)

  • Feature Friday: Baseborn

    While we here at Redthreaded focus on corsetry, what you wear under your stays can be just as important, and this month’s feature, Baseborn, is on a mission to craft high-quality foundation garments, particularly shirts and shifts, that will last a lifetime—or longer!

  • Feature Friday: Making Historical Dress Network

    If you have been in the historical costume community for many years, you may know that while dress history is an established field, the act of making and recreation has only more recently become an accepted academic practice. And this month’s feature has created a wonderful space to further that area of research!

  • Feature Friday: House of Dario Princiotta

    House of Dario Princiotta blends modern and historical design to create unique pieces that take corsetry to a whole other level. With sharply structured lines and bold, dramatic silhouettes, the work of this month’s feature is truly inspiring. The materials he uses are both lush and ethereal, and his Instagram is filled with dreamy photography to match. It’s a corset lover’s dream come true!

  • Feature Friday: Wildflower Designs

    With an imaginative blend of historical and modern sensibilities, as well as a strong emphasis on practical, wearable garments, the patterns from Wildflower Designs are perfect for both your history-bounding fantasies and your everyday life!

  • Feature Friday: Crimson Rose Corsetry

    Corsetry can be worn for a myriad of reasons—from cosplay and historical reenactment to medical support and comfort. And while Redthreaded concentrates on the historical side of things, fellow Colorado corset maker and this month’s featured business, Crimson Rose Corsetry, explores the more modern aspects of the craft, with a focus on both medical and whimsical applications.
  • Feature Friday: The Underpinnings Museum

    Here at Redthreaded, we make no secret of our love of corsetry and all different types of structured and unstructured undergarments, and this month’s featured business is a kindred spirit! The Underpinnings Museum is an online museum “dedicated to the evolution of underwear through the ages” by “showcasing and documenting exquisite objects.” By making their research available on their website for free, the museum has created an invaluable resource for all antique and vintage lingerie lovers!