Stock Corset Updates: All New Fashion Fabric & Updated Styling for 2017
That's right, we are giving the entire stock corset line a facelift. If you've been following along you may have picked up on some re-designing going on behind the scenes. Now we're ready to share! The new updated styles will be rolling out over the next week or two (we have a lot of sewing to do!). We have changed fashion fabric, updated the patterning for nearly every style, and will be introducing several entirely new styles as well over the few months. So exciting! Read on...

We've switched from the previous cotton poplin to a mid weight, tightly woven cotton sateen for the outer "fashion fabric" on all of our stock corsets. The sateen is thicker, which adds a bit more structure to the corsets and means it will hold up better to long term wear. It's also prettier, and it stitches beautifully.
The best part--from a business point of view--is that the cost is the same as the old fabric. That means better fabric for the same prices. In fact, my supply source for this one is actually more reliable than the old fabric. When does that happen??
Style Updates
I patterned most of our standard corset styles 2+ years ago. I've learned a lot since then, and so has my team. I took their feedback into consideration, as well as the feedback of our customers, and made several updates to the master patterns for most of our corset styles. These adjustments improve things like fit, accuracy, support, stitching ease, construction order, alterability, or in some cases, all of the above. I did the most re-working on our plus sizes, adding more boning to all of them. So what specifically changed?
Standard Size: Not much other than new fashion fabric, this one needed few adjustments
Plus Size: Added 1/2" steel bones to front and side, altered back boning placement, re-patterned strap
Standard Size: lowered bustline approx. 1/4"-1/2", re-patterned front point, removed SF seam, removed SB seam, re-drew side seam
Plus Size: lowered bustline approx. 1/4"-1/2", re-patterned front point, added several 1/2" steel bones to front for additional support, re-patterned strap
Standard Size: Shoulder straps now have grommets instead of stitched-on ribbons
Shoulder straps now have grommets instead of stitched-on ribbons. Fixed a few consistency issues across sizes.
Standard Size: Changed several construction methods for better durability. Re-designed entire pattern bringing it approx. 1" lower over the hip and tummy. Lowered the bustline approx. 1/2" to more of a mid-bust line. Added machine stitching at the end of each bone channel to hold bones in place.
Standard Size: Not much, other than the new fashion fabric. However, we've been able to streamline the construction process which means a drop in price going forward.
Standard Size: A re-design of the bust area. Bust line has been lowered approx. 1-1.5" to more of a mid-bust placement. Discontinued cording at hip and lace at bust. Improved shaping and technical pattern lines. Busk is now 7/8" shorter.
New Styles
The pre-order for our new 1860's Gored Corset is now live in all sizes! Read more about that style here.
In early December we will begin offering S-Bend corsets in plus size. The plus range has 8 additional straight steel bones for more support, and comes slightly lower over the hip and tummy.
Titanic Underbusts in standard and plus sizing: Now available
Where and When Can I Buy The New Stuff?
The updated styles are available here at our website and on Etsy. All of our old style corsets are now on sale until sold out both here and on Etsy.
Thank You!
It's only through the continued support of customers like you that we are able to bring you new and better corsets. We appreciate each and every one of our clients, from individuals to big theaters. You're all special and you all help us continue to make beautiful things with care and craftsmanship in the USA. Happy Thanksgiving to all of our clients, followers, friends, fans, and family :)
Photography: Merritt Design Photo